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Philippians Study

Writer's picture: Amber DanielAmber Daniel

As we study together through the verses of Philippians, we'll be using various study tools to interact with the text and essentially accomplish these three things:

1. Comprehend the text. What does it say?

2. Interpret the meaning of the text. What does it mean?

3. Apply. How should this change me?

Let us not lose sight of the fact that we study God's word to know HIM deeper and it is through knowing Him that our hearts and lives are changed into a better reflection of who He is to the world.

Printable copy of the Text:

Week One Resources:

Philippians 2:6-11

This week, we study the verses referred to as the Messiah Hymn. The message in these verses is the central theme that the rest of the book revolves around and this is the section of scripture that we will commit to memory over the next few weeks.

Monday: Pray to begin your study time, then read the entire book of Philippians.

Tuesday: Read Philippians 2:6-11 repetitively 3-4 times, making note of things that stand out to you or topic's you would like to study deeper into.

Wednesday: Read Philippians 2:6-11 then dig deeper by looking up the cross references.

Here's a list to get you started:

Philippians 2:6 : John 1:1

Philippians 2:6 : 2 Cor 4:4

Philippians 2:6 : John 5:18; 10:33; 14:28

Philippians 2:7 : 2 Cor 8:9

Philippians 2:7 : Matt 20:28

Philippians 2:7 : John 1:14; Rom 8:3; Gal 4:4; Heb 2:17

Philippians 2:8 : 2 Cor 8:9

Philippians 2:8 : Matt 26:39; John 10:18; Rom 5:19; Heb 5:8

Philippians 2:8 : Heb 12:2

Philippians 2:9 : Heb 1:9

Philippians 2:9 : Matt 28:18; Acts 2:33; Heb 2:9

Philippians 2:9 : Eph 1:21

Philippians 2:10 : Is 45:23; Rom 14:11

Philippians 2:10 : Eph 1:10

Philippians 2:11 : John 13:13; Rom 10:9; 14:9

Thursday: Read Philippians 2:6-11 then dig deeper by making a list of the Characteristics we learn about Jesus from these verses. List the attributes of God that we can glean from the text and how this list challenges us to be more like him. Pray and give praise to God for the characteristic about him that means the most to you in this season.

Friday: Read Philippians 2:6-11 then dig deeper into the meaning of some of the words in the text. Here's a list of tools you can use to expand your understanding of the words:

Saturday: Read Philippians 2:6-11 then think over everything that you have learned in your study this week. Spend extra time meditating on the scripture reading and also dedicate some of your study time to memorization of our memory verses, Phil 2:6-11 (which happen to be the ones we've studied this week!) Find a phone wallpaper download below of the verses in ESV.

Today is a great opportunity to journal some thoughts in response to these questions:

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?

3. How should this change me?

**Check out these supplemental resources as you think on these verses that we've studied:

Week TWO Resources:

Philippians 1:1-26

This week, we turn back to the very beginning we will read Paul's opening prayer as well as learn more about his current imprisonment. We'll be using some supplemental resources to gather background information on the book of Philippians.

Monday: Pray to begin your study time, then read the entire book of Philippians.

Tuesday: Read Philippians 1:1-26 repetitively 3-4 times, making note of things that stand out to you or topic's you would like to study deeper into.

Wednesday & Thursday:

** THIS does NOT mean you pick one day to do this. This study activity will take two days (at least) so this allows you to start digging on Wednesday and keep digging on Thursday **

Read Philippians 1:1-26.Then dig deeper by using the text to answer these questions:

Who? (Philippians is a letter so who wrote it? and who is the audience?)

When? (sure, write down the year when you find it but then DIG DEEPER and set the scene for yourself by learning more about what was going on at this time. think biblically, historically, and with the author and audience.)

Why? (What is the purpose? what needs were met? concerns addressed? etc)

Once you have done your due diligence to answer these answers from the text THEN you may use these resources to dig deeper and gather even more background information about the book of Philippians.

*Remember you have TWO days to work through these resources but just in case you have to pick & Choose, I ordered them from top to bottom starting with most important.

Friday: Read Philippians 1:1-26 then dig deeper by making an outline of this section of the text or look ahead and make an outline of the major points of the entire book.

Saturday: Read Philippians 1:1-26 then think over everything that you have learned in your study this week. Spend extra time meditating on the scripture reading and also dedicate some of your study time to memorization of our memory verses, Phil 2:6-11 (which happen to be the ones we've studied this week!) Find a phone wallpaper download below of the verses in ESV.

Today is a great opportunity to journal some thoughts in response to these questions:

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?

3. How should this change me?

Week Three Resources:

Philippians 1:27-2:18

This week, is a larger selection of verses BUT you've already studied 2:6-11 so you'll be able to study around those.

Monday: Pray to begin your study time, then read the entire book of Philippians.

Tuesday: Read Philippians 1:27-2:18 repetitively 3-4 times, making note of things that stand out to you or topic's you would like to study deeper into.

Wednesday: Read Philippians 1:27-2:18 then dig deeper into the meaning of some of the words in the text. Here's a list of tools you can use to expand your understanding of the words:

Thursday: Read Philippians 1:27-2:18 then dig deeper by making a list! In Chapter 1 verse 27 Paul instructs the Philippians to let their manner of life be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ. Let's pause there and unpack what that would look like. Paul goes on to list specific examples of what this looks like in the life of a believer and throughout the entire book of Philippians, he gives examples from the lives of others as well as from the life of Christ. Today, in your study, make a list of a "Life worthy of the gospel." Think deeply on these list items as your write them down and maybe even use your cross referencing skills to find where Paul derives his list items from.

I use Bible Gateway to find a list of cross references. Click here for the link to chapter one

Friday: Read Philippians 1:27-2:18 then pull out that list from yesterday. Today we are going to apply the truth of God's word to our life as we prayerfully compare the "life worthy" list to the life that we are living. SPOILER alert: The life that you & I are living will never measure up as worthy of the gospel. Paul follows up multiple times in the following verses with the encouragement that it is through Christ that we have salvation. It is only by the grace of God that you or I have come to know and accept the truth of the gospel.

So why does Paul encourage the believers in Philippi (and us) to live a life worthy if we can never? Because CHRIST is the measure by which we compare ourselves. Studying the instructions of scripture and being honest with ourselves about where we are missing the mark leads us to confess our sins and need for a savior, worship God with hearts grateful for Christ, and also experience true change in our hearts and in our lives. This is a hard tension to hold; to accept both the standards of the gospel for our life as well as the grace that closes the gaps that even our best efforts with leave. The timing of this study being at the end of the old year and start of a new year, lends us to think of our goals in all areas of our life. What about our spiritual growth? Who cares about the number on the scale or balance of our savings account if we are still living in the same sin 12 months from now? Let it not be so. End your time of reflection with a prayer and bring your requests to God in the areas that you want to see Him work in.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil. 1:6

Saturday: Read Philippians 1:27-2:18 then think over everything that you have learned in your study this week. Spend extra time meditating on the scripture reading and also dedicate some of your study time to memorization of our memory verses, Phil 2:6-11. Find a phone wallpaper download below of the verses in ESV.

Today is a great opportunity to journal some thoughts in response to these questions:

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?

3. How should this change me?

Week Four Resources:

Philippians 2:19-4:1

This section of the text includes personal notes and details between Paul and the Church of Philippi. There are updates about mutual friends and ministry. Paul also encourages his fellow mature believers to follow his example in the faith.

Monday: Pray to begin your study time, then read the entire book of Philippians.

Tuesday: Read Philippians 2:19-4:1 repetitively 3-4 times, making note of things that stand out to you or topic's you would like to study deeper into.

Wednesday: Read Philippians 2:19:4:1 then dig deeper and get to know one or a few of the people listed in the text better by conducting a "Character Study." Every name that you come across, do a search on GotQuestions to learn more about their life. If you can find it, make notes of how their life was defined before Christ and after.

Thursday: Read Philippians 2:19:4:1 then dig deeper listing the warnings that Paul gives the church and then do your best to find out more about why he felt the need to warn the church of Philippi of these things. How do these warnings apply to the church today? Remember that while this letter was specifically addressed to the Philippians, these words were sovereignly recorded and preserved so that you and I would read them today. God's word is the most relevant text we will find for life as a Christ follower.

Friday: Read Philippians 2:19:4:1 then dig deeper into Paul's life as an example. What are Paul's strengths in his faith and how does that challenge you? Take note of how Paul describes Timothy as a younger brother. Paul disciples him and together and their ministry efforts are multiplied - is there someone in your life who you might call your "Timothy"

Saturday: Read Philippians 2:19-4:1 then think over everything that you have learned in your study this week. Spend extra time meditating on the scripture reading and also dedicate some of your study time to memorization of our memory verses, Phil 2:6-11 (which happen to be the ones we've studied this week!) Find a phone wallpaper download below of the verses in ESV.

Today is a great opportunity to journal some thoughts in response to these questions:

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?

3. How should this change me?

Week Five Resources:

Philippians 4:2-23

This week, we'll end our study with the ending of Paul's letter. You might notice he takes this last opportunity to encourage and admonish the church of Philippi very seriously. There is a sense of urgency in his words that coupled with Paul's deep affection for this church, is very compelling.

Monday: Pray to begin your study time, then read the entire book of Philippians.

Tuesday: Read Philippians 4:2-23 repetitively 3-4 times, making note of things that stand out to you or topic's you would like to study deeper into.

Wednesday: Read Philippians 4:2-23 then dig deeper into the meaning of some of the words in the text. Here's a list of tools you can use to expand your understanding of the words:

Thursday: Read Philippians 4:2-23 then dig deeper into the text by applying the concept of contentment in your own life. In verses 10-13 Paul shares that he has learned to be content in every circumstances. Spend some time thinking on this ability to be content. Define what this would look like in a Christian's life and then choose one or a few of the following prompts to help you reflect on contentment in your own life.

  • Take some time to reflect on your own life and the highs and lows you have experienced. Make a list of the big ones and rate your level of contentment

  • Is contentment in all seasons something that you have learned or something that you are still learning?

  • Pray and repent of the times that your circumstances have affected your heart's posture towards the Lord.

  • Journal some ways that you can practically exercise contentment in your current season.


Read Philippians 4:2-23 then dig deeper into community and the text by doing these two things:

1. Text/call someone today and share with them an encouragement from the Lord that you received from studying Philippians. Take this chance to connect with them, the same way that Paul made it a priority to connect with his brothers and sisters in Philippi.

2. Look back over your notes from this study and skim the entire book of Philippians. Make notes of your favorite takeaways from our time in Philippians. If there was something you missed or want to dig deeper into, use today's time to do that before we wrap up our study.

Saturday: Read Philippians 4:2-23 then think over everything that you have learned in your study this week. Spend extra time meditating on the scripture reading and also dedicate some of your study time to memorization of our memory verses, Phil 2:6-11.

Today is a great opportunity to journal some thoughts in response to these questions:

1. What does it say?

2. What does it mean?

3. How should this change me?

Thanks for studying with me! I'd love to hear how God is working in your life and especially how he is speaking to you though the study of His word. Email me at or connect with me on Insta!

XO, Amber



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